Bali (ANTARA) - Indonesia is pushing for an increase in international cooperation to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) 2024, held in Bali from September 1 to 3.

"We want to ensure that the high economic growth is also sustainable without sacrificing the environment and social welfare," Deputy for Economy at the Ministry of National Development Planning Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti said here on Saturday.

She explained that the forum will be a platform for global leaders, practitioners, and stakeholders to share knowledge, experience, and practical solutions for accelerating the achievement of development goals and strengthening the economies of developing countries.

The HLF MSP 2024 is one of Indonesia's strategic initiatives in an effort to push global prosperity and sustainable economic development.

Earlier, during the 2021-2022 period, Indonesia has carried out several activities such as training, workshops, seminars, and knowledge sharing with countries in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the South Pacific.

Indonesia's active role in South-South and triangular cooperation, which focuses on increasing welfare and economic research in developing countries, has also reflected the country's commitment.

In the latest report on SDGs issued by the UN, Indonesia has recorded a significant improvement. The country's rank rose from 102nd in 2019 to 75th in 2023.

Widyasanti underlined that around 63 percent of SDG indicators in Indonesia have been met, while 16 percent of indicators showed a significant improvement.

"This achievement reaffirms Indonesia's position as one of the most progressive countries in SDG achievement among upper-middle-income countries," she said.

To support sustainable development projects, Indonesia has adopted innovative financing methods, such as blended finance.

One of the forms of blended finance implementation is in the development of tourism villages in Bali, which mobilizes investment and builds infrastructure without burdening the state budget and regional budget.

The scheme covers various resources, including from the private sector, to create sustainable financing solutions.

"This financing method enables us to combine public and private resources that do not only accelerate development but also ensure long-term sustainability," she remarked.

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Translator: Imamatul Silfia, Raka Adji
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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