Tangerang, Banten (ANTARA) - Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas stated that the apostolic journey to Indonesia made by the World Catholic Leader Pope Francis is considered to strengthen harmony in religious diversity.

Qoumas highlighted that the visit reflected the Pope's keenness to strengthen relations and peace in inter-religious communities.

"In Indonesia, diversity is our strength and must be maintained. From his visit, our differences have become our blessing," the minister remarked in Tangerang on Friday.

Indonesia is the first country that Pope Francis visited in his series of apostolic journeys to several countries. The visit was recorded as the third trip for the Holy Father of Catholics after Pope Paul VI in 1970 and Pope John Paul II in 1989.

In his message, Pope Francis reminded all Indonesians, especially Catholics, regarding the importance of maintaining diversity to create world peace.

He also called on his people to preserve and protect the environment for the sake of life in the future.

"Pope Francis hopes we can maintain diversity as a strength. Then, prioritize dialogue in all differences or disputes. Furthermore, to maintain the environment since it belongs to the rights of future generations," the minister noted.

Qoumas said that based on the results of Pope Francis' visit, three points agreed upon with President Joko Widodo were strengthening diversity, prioritizing dialogue in all differences or disputes, and maintaining the environment to remain green.

The minister said President Widodo called on him to convey his greetings to Pope Francis when he continued his journey and to wish him a pleasant flight.

"The president conveyed the Pope's message to all Indonesian people, especially Catholics, that unity must be maintained," he stated.

In addition, the government is committed to maintaining the global climate to remain green as a way to preserve life in the future.

Related news: Pope Francis concludes his Apostolic visit to Indonesia
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Translator: Azmi Syamsul M, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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