The minister noted that Mutis Timau National Park also plays an important role in the lives of the community as a provider of sources of medicines, natural honey, dyes for weaving, and water.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya declared Mutis Timai as a national park in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), marking the conservation area as the 56th national park in the country.

According to a statement from the LHK Ministry in Jakarta, Monday, the minister made the declaration online from Denpasar, Bali, and via teleconference from NTT on Sunday (Sept 8).

"Mutis Timau National Park is not only the lungs of East Nusa Tenggara but also a symbol and important implementation of our efforts to protect, preserve, and utilize biodiversity in a sustainable way, fairly and responsibly for future generations," Nurbaya remarked.

During the event attended by the Bezoz Earth Fund (BEF) team, Nurbaya stated that the declaration marked the government's commitment to protecting biodiversity in an area rich in endemic flora and fauna, as well as being an important habitat for various protected species.

The minister noted that Mutis Timau National Park also plays an important role in the lives of the community as a provider of sources of medicines, natural honey, dyes for weaving, and water.

She highlighted that the national park also serves as a location for conducting traditional rituals for local communities and other traditional uses that have been carried out for generations.

The Indonesian government, through the LHK Ministry, is actively increasing efforts to preserve the environment and conserve natural resources in accordance with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework in order to achieve the 2050 vision of Living in Harmony with Nature.

"One of the implementations is the establishment of the Mutis Timau National Park," Nurbaya stated.

On the occasion, Acting District Head of South Central Timor, Seperius Edison Sipa, expressed his appreciation for the declaration.

He stated that the declaration of Mutis Timai as a national park was a step forward for NTT Province, especially the districts of South Central Timor, North Central Timor, and Kupang, in developing conservation-based nature tourism, which will proffer economic benefits while preserving the natural heritage.

"This will be a source of pride for the Timorese people, considering that previously there were only national parks in Flores in Sumba," Sipa stated.

"This also strengthens the trust of the people, who consider Mutis as the Mother or Mama for the Timorese people," he added.

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Translator: Prisca Triferna Violleta, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor: Arie Novarina
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