Jakarta (ANTARA) - Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar called for the implementation of environment- and forestry-related standards created as an instrument to address challenges in the environment and forestry sectors.

At the opening of the Environment and Forestry Standards Week (PeSTA) 2024 in Jakarta on Tuesday, she drew attention to future challenges in the environment sector and pressed for the need for standardization as an instrument to maintain the sustainability of natural resources.

Bakar accentuated the importance of jointly tackling turbulence in the management of the environment and forestry sectors in order to create a new balance fairly, such as through the homeostasis process.

"I invite all parties to jointly utilize standards to control the quality of the environment and forests," she remarked.

The standards created by the Environment and Forestry Instrument Standardization Agency (BSI LHK) are also a tool to conduct supervision when the government is pushing to accelerate environmental licensing services needed by various parties.

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The supervision is conducted along with guidance that will lead to legal action in the event of no improvements.

According to the minister, the essence of putting in place standards is to provide a definite measurement in the management of the environment and forests as well as their utilization. The standards are needed amid the increase in investment that must be monitored in the country.

Bakar ensured that her ministry and other parties will continue to make innovations, one of which is through strengthening standards, as part of environment and forestry management.

Regarding standards in the environment and forestry sectors, the BSI LHK has created 289 standards as of August 2024, which include 189 environmental licensing standards.

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Translator: Prisca Triferna, Raka Adji
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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