Surakarta, Central Java (ANTARA) - Indonesia needs a blueprint for developing competitive human resources, according to the Ministry of National Development Planning.

"A systematic, structured, and long-term blueprint for human resource development is essential for Indonesia," said Amich Alhumami, the ministry's deputy for human, society, and culture development, on Tuesday.

He made the remarks during an event on the 2024 National Talent Management (MTN) Grand Design at Sebelas Maret University in Surakarta, Central Java.

The grand design includes various strategies for human resource development, ranging from the early talent identification stage to the top talent level.

"These efforts include investments in talent development in cultural arts, research, innovation, and sports," he said.

He emphasized the importance of investing in talent development nationwide.

"The MTN is expected to prepare talents who are competitive and internationally recognized, ensuring efforts to train, develop, and strengthen national talents in a holistic, integrated, and sustainable manner," he remarked.

He added that the government will coordinate talent development policies and programs with ministries, agencies, and local governments.

The MTN Grand Design features five key breakthrough programs focused on talent pools, collaboration, facility hubs, funding synergy, and talent recognition.

Alhumami expressed hope that these programs will produce exceptional talents who can contribute to Indonesia's development.

At the same event, UNS Rector Prof. Hartono stated that improving the quality of national talents is crucial for keeping pace with the competitiveness of developed countries.

He noted that Indonesia ranked 75th out of 113 in the 2023 Global Talent Competitiveness Index and 61st out of 132 in the Global Innovation Index the same year.

In light of this, he emphasized the need for the government to enhance national development.

"National talent management is essential, and a grand design is required to manage and optimize national talents," he added.

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Translator: Aris W, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso
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