Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia has pushed for the finalization and signing of the upgraded ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) next year in view of the significant progress made during the 38th ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) Council Meeting.

The meeting was held as part of the 56th ASEAN Economic Ministers' Meeting, which is taking place from September 15 to 22 in Vientiane, Laos.

In a statement on Wednesday, the Trade Ministry said that the Trade Negotiating Committee (TNC) of the ATIGA finalized several chapters of the upgrade at the regional meeting on Monday.

"Indonesia needs to support the ATIGA TNC to continue negotiations and discuss issues yet to be concurred upon. We hope that the ATIGA upgrade will be ready for signing in 2025," the ministry's Director General of International Trade Negotiations, Djatmiko Witjaksono, said.

He highlighted that Indonesia has been playing an active role in the ATIGA upgrade negotiations with the objective of promoting intensified cooperation among Southeast Asian countries.

Witjaksono affirmed that the Indonesian government is committed to monitoring the implementation of Form D of Electronic Certificates of Origin within the ATIGA, resolving non-tariff measures cases, and encouraging cooperation between ASEAN and its dialogue partners.

After Monday's meeting, Witjaksono witnessed the commencement of the signing of the 5th Protocol to Amend the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement (ACIA).

"Essentially, the ACIA 5th Amendment Protocol brings changes to the mechanism of investment liberalization and aims to strengthen the regional investment climate in the hopes of making ASEAN an appealing region to investors," he explained.

He said that Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan will soon sign the amendment protocol in Jakarta. Related news: ASEAN seeks to boost regional trade coop at ATIGA WG-ROO meeting
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Translator: Maria C, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Anton Santoso
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