Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) is seeking to increase the modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR) to 63.41 percent this year. The rate has reached 60.9 percent so far.

"2024 is the final year of the National Medium-Term Development Plan. We still have a lot of homework to do, including increasing the mCPR to 63.41 (percent)," Deputy of Family Planning and Reproductive Health at the BKKBN Wahidin said at a discussion that was followed online from here on Monday.

He noted that in addition to the mCPR, the BKKBN also needs to reduce the total fertility rate (TFR) to 2.1 and narrow the TFR disparity per region.

Furthermore, its next target is to reduce the unmet need for family planning to around 7.4 percent.

In addition, he said that the BKKBN has been assigned the task of reducing the number of those giving birth at the 15–19 age group.

"Because giving birth at that age range is very risky. The hope is that in 2024, it will at least be 18 per 1,000 births," he added.

Wahidin emphasized that achieving those targets requires a family planning policy that is comprehensive, region-based, and has target segmentation.

"The current policy at BKKBN is starting to carry out asymmetric program; we do not implement one program for all regions, but there are several regions that are prioritized for certain programs," he explained.

He affirmed that to improve access to quality family planning services, in the latest policy starting in 2025, the BKKBN will continue to strive to improve quality and maintain quantity.

"One of the strategies is strengthening the capacity of health service facilities and networks, including health workers that provide family planning services, namely midwives," he said.

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Translator: Lintang Budiyanti, Raka Adji
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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