#family planning

Collection of family planning news, found 793 news.

Village govts to improve role in expediting stunting reduction: BKKBN

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) reminded village governments to improve their role in ...

Family Day should generate multiplier effect on local economy: BKKBN

National Family Day (Harganas) celebrations should generate a multiplier effect on the local economy, particularly ...

Indonesia's Health Ministry seeks solution for PKBI office eviction

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that his ministry is seeking a solution to resolve the land status issue ...

Indonesia's BKKBN praises media's role in family planning

National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Head Hasto Wardoyo commended the media's contribution to ...

Need to keep TFR at 2.1 for balanced population growth: BKKBN

Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Hasto Wardoyo has said that the agency ...

Online gambling detrimental to families: BKKBN

Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Hasto Wardoyo cautioned of the significant negative ...

Climate change causing many pregnancy-related issues: BKKBN

During the 73rd anniversary event of the Indonesian Midwives Association here on Monday, head of the National Family ...

Indonesia's IBI pushes for better midwife placement in villages

The Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI) calls for better placement of midwives throughout the country, given that ...

IBI-BKKBN set record for most simultaneous contraceptive implants

The Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI), National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN), and a company were ...

Indonesia targets standardized posyandu skills to curb stunting

The Ministry of Health is aiming to ensure all integrated health post (posyandu) cadres possess the standardized ...

Need to address stunting causes besides nutrition: govt 

The Health Ministry said that handling stunting is not only about providing additional nutritious food, but also ...

Indonesia pushes 100 percent stunting checkup

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy called on integrated health posts (posyandu) ...

News Focus

Caring for aging population with better policies, social awareness

The government commemorated National Elderly Day on May 26 by providing aid to thousands of senior citizens. Aside ...

Ministry, BKKBN seek to bolster collaboration through National Fam Day

The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) and the National Population and Family ...

BKKBN urges regions to accelerate stunting case audits

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) has asked regional governments to expedite stunting case ...