If we cannot enforce UNSC-mandated tools to maintain peace, what remains of Council leadership for peace?
New York City, USA (ANTARA) - Indonesia has questioned the leadership of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in building peace amid the situation in Palestine, which has continued to worsen.

"We are here to speak about the leadership for peace. But peace is nowhere to be found for the people of Palestine," Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi said at the UN Security Council High-Level Open Debate forum at the UN Headquarters in New York on Wednesday local time.

With the worrying situation in Palestine, where 41 thousand people have lost their lives, millions of others have been displaced, and access to aid has been cut off, the global community should question their sense of humanity, she added.

"If we cannot enforce UNSC-mandated tools to maintain peace, what remains of Council leadership for peace?" the minister asked.

Indonesia then offered ways to restore credibility and trust in the UNSC by seeking more democratic leadership and involving more parties.

"Indonesia calls for a more democratic mechanism for effective decision making to avoid inactions, in the face of grave threats to international peace and security," she emphasized.

Marsudi ended her speech with the affirmation that the world does not need to bother looking for ways to create peace in the future because those steps must start now.

On Wednesday, she also met with the EU Special Representative for the Gulf Region, Luigi Di Maio, to discuss developments in the Middle East, particularly Palestine and Lebanon.

During the meeting, she expressed concern over the escalation of the conflict in Lebanon amid Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip.

Representatives of United Nations member countries have gathered at the UN Headquarters in New York to attend the High-Level Week of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly from September 22–28, 2024.

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Translator: Suwanti, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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