Palembang, South Sumatra (ANTARA) - Deputy Manpower Minister Afriansyah Noor emphasized that increasing the capability of human resources through training is necessary to expand employment opportunities.

After an Open Session of his doctorate in Public Administration at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of Sriwijaya University in Palembang, Saturday, he noted that labor absorption in Indonesia is still relatively small due to the lack of competence and vocation.

"We still need to increase human resources in Indonesia, especially in training," he emphasized.

According to Noor, the government is targeting to increase and expand the number of Indonesian workers abroad due to the lack of employment opportunities in Indonesia and the workers' shortage abroad.

However, Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) still need to improve their skills to work abroad.

Hence, his side continues to facilitate training to increase the competence of workers in Indonesia.

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He remarked that the government has currently collaborated with South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan for the placement of migrant workers.

"We will send workers with skills and abilities to work in manufacturing, industry, and others. Those fields need more workers in the country of placement," Noor stated.

Earlier, Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah also plans to send 250 thousand workers with specific skills, also called Specified Skilled Workers, or SSW, to Japan in the next five years.

In addition, Noor believes that his dissertation in the Doctoral Program titled "Collaborative Governance Model in Improving the Evaluation of Indonesian Migrant Workers" can be used by the government to improve and expand opportunities for workers to work abroad.

He also expressed hope that his doctorate degree would be helpful for the employment field in Indonesia.

"I hope my knowledge can be implemented in the field of employment in particular. This can also be collaborated with my knowledge of the nation and state," Noor remarked.

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Translator: Ahmad Rafli B, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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