Banjarbaru, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan, hosted 183 selected young people from 27 provinces in the 2024 Green Generation National Jamboree, which was officially opened at the Gawi Sabarataan Hall on Saturday.

According to the city administration's communication and informatics office, in a statement received here on Sunday, the participants had carried out various real actions about environment care before participating in the National Jamboree.

The actions included writing essays about environmental innovation, running for environmental campaigns through social media, and conducting green actions in their respective regions.

The province's secretary, Ahmad Bagiawan, who opened the jamboree, expressed optimism for a better future of Indonesia's natural environment through the younger generation's active role.

"The presence of young people here is proof that the nature of our motherland will be better in the future, The active role and collaboration of young environment activists is very meaningful. Every small action will have a big impact in the future," he said.

Meanwhile, the Banjarbaru City's assistant to the mayor, Muhammad Rustam, said that the jamboree is not just an event but also the manifestation of a shared commitment to create a generation that cares about the environment and sustainable development.

He added that the young people who are active in protecting the environment are the key to create a better future.

"The green generation is our hope for a better future in an era where there are climate change and environmental damages. Therefore, their participation is crucial," he added.

After the National Jamboree is over, the participants would return to their respective regions to carry out environmental actions and become green leaders in their communities.

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Translator: Gunawan W, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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