Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Religious Affairs has called on mosque operators across Indonesia to actively participate in addressing the increasingly severe effects of climate change.

"Although environmental fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) is not a new concept, it has yet to be widely promoted by our religious leaders and government officials," said Kamaruddin Amin, the ministry's Director General of Islamic Community Guidance, in a statement on Wednesday.

Speaking at the opening of the International Symposium on Innovative Mosques (ISIM) 2024 on Tuesday, he noted that the government is committed to supporting mosques in developing innovations to combat climate change threats.

At the event, held in Solo, Central Java, Amin highlighted that mosques have vast potential and occupy a strategic position to spread religious messages to a wide audience.

However, he stressed the need for increased efforts to raise environmental awareness through religious teachings.

"Mosques must continue to innovate," he stated. "To support them, we are organizing ISIM and the Model and Friendly Mosque Award."

Amin expressed hope that Indonesian mosques would make even greater contributions to enhancing the quality of life in the country.

Meanwhile, the ministry's Acting Director of Islamic Affairs, Ahmad Zayadi, pointed out that the symposium's theme, "Eco-friendly Mosque, Climate Change, and Future Generations," underscores the critical role of religion in environmental conservation and mitigating global warming.

"Religious figures and institutions play a crucial role in raising awareness about environmental issues, especially within houses of worship," he said.

The international symposium has drawn around 300 participants, including speakers, academics, and representatives from the ministry's regional offices, regional governments, and mosques nominated for the Model and Friendly Mosque Award. Approximately 750 participants have registered online.

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Translator: Asep F, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Anton Santoso
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