Second Inspector Hamzaid, Chief of the Public Relations Department of the Lamongan Police, explained that the two vessels, tanker barge MT Ronggolawe and its tugboat Roselyne 08, caught fire and exploded at 6 a.m. local time.
"The evacuation team has rescued 15 victims, of which 12 suffered minor injuries and were under medical team observation, while the three other victims were evacuated to dr. Suyudi General Hospital for medical treatment," Hamzaid stated here.
He noted that the bodies of the two crew members killed were also taken to Suyudi General Hospital for identification.
The authorities have been informed that the explosion originated from the boat's engine room, though the cause of the fire is still being investigated.
"The Roselyne 08 tugboat assisted the larger ship to anchor at the port when the explosion occurred," he stated, adding that the boats were located at a distance from the shore during the explosion.
Hamzaid also urged other ships operating in Lamongan to exercise increased caution to avoid similar incidents.
Meanwhile, Zaenal, an eyewitness, stated that residents in Kemantren Village reported hearing two massive explosions from the boats, which shook the village on Thursday morning.
"The tugboat and the barge exploded and caught fire in the sea north of Kemantren Village, specifically within the PT Lamongan Integrated Shorebase area. We felt the impact here on land," he remarked.
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Translator: Astrid FH/Alimun K, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
Copyright © ANTARA 2025