The two power projects would contribute energy supply nationally and help improve the people`s living standards, according to the president.
The president also dedicated a Batak Museum at the TB Silalahi Center complex in Balige, Toba Samosir District.
"The electricity projects are very strategic and promote the people`s welfare," he said.
The two projects would raise the national electricity ratio from 66.6 percent in 2010 to 70.4 percent in 2011, he said.
The head of state hoped that the North Sumatra power projects would also strengthen e power distribution domestically.
The Asahan I hydro power plant is the initial part of the nation-wide 10,000 MW power generation capacity project which is to be environmentally friendly.
The government would also encourage the private sector to participate in power plant development projects through the "independent power producer concept."
State power utility PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) has set itself the target of operating plants with a combined capacity of 150 MW built in the first phase of the government`s 10,000-MW power capacity development project in 2011.
The government has designated 93 different locations across the country for the implementation of the second phase of the 10,000-MW project.
(T. F001/HAJM/P003)
Editor: Priyambodo RH
Copyright © ANTARA 2011