Cairo (ANTARA News/AFP) - Hundreds of Egyptian protesters clashed with police on Thursday in the cities of Suez and Ismailiya on the third straight day of anti-government demonstrations, an AFP photographer and witnesses said.

In Suez, east of Cairo at the mouth of the Suez Canal, anti-riot police fired rubber-coated bullets, tear gas and water canon at hundreds of people gathered at a police station to demand the release of some 75 people arrested on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Clashes had also broken out in the city on Wednesday after police refused to release the bodies of three demonstrators killed a day earlier. Protesters threw Molotov cocktails at a municipal building, setting part of it on fire, and firebombed the local headquarters of the ruling National Democratic Party.

In Ismailiya to the north, witnesses reported that police were on Thursday firing tear gas at demonstrators, who were responding by throwing rocks.

Around a dozen people were arrested before the demonstration began.

Young, pro-democracy activists, inspired by the rebellion that overthrew Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali earlier this month, have called for more protests throughout Egypt on Thursday and after weekly prayers on Friday.

So far, four demonstrators and two polices have been killed, and dozens of people wounded in the fighting that began on Tuesday.

At the same time, a security official said at least 1,000 people have been arrested around the country. (M014/K004)

Editor: Kunto Wibisono
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