Gaza (ANTARA News/Reuters) - Palestinians in Gaza let off fireworks and shot into the air to celebrate the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Friday, and the Islamist group Hamas called on Egypt`s new rulers to change his policies.

"The resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is the beginning of the victory of the Egyptian revolution," said Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri.

"Such a victory was the result of the sacrifices and the steadfastness of the Egyptian people," he told Reuters.

Gaza residents heard gunfire erupt across the city when news of Mubarak`s departure spread, and fireworks lit up the sky.

The tiny coastal enclave of Gaza shares a border with Israel and Egypt. Both countries have imposed strict limitations on the movement of people and goods since Hamas took control of the territory, hampering Gaza`s economy.

"We call upon the new Egyptian leadership to take an immediate decision to lift the blockade of Gaza and open Rafah (border) crossing permanently to allow people`s free movement and in order for the reconstruction process of Gaza to begin," said Abu Zuhri.(*)

Editor: Aditia Maruli Radja
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