Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Islamic clerics and academics from various countries have emphasized in a seminar the peaceful nature of Islam as a religion, something that regretfully has frequently been misunderstood even by many Muslims.

"Islam obligates us to always live in peace with other people and have many friends, greet each other, as more friends will ensure achievement of peace," said Umar Shihab, a leading Muslim scholar at the international seminar themed "Islam, Peace and Justice" here on Saturday.

The one-day seminar was jointly held by the central board of Muhammadiyah, the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Culture and Relations Organization and Center for Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilizations.

Although they are often incorrectly understood, Islamic teachings had many tenets in which the significance of peace is comprehensively explained, said Shihab.

"Muslims are required to unite themselves with Allah, likewise among human beings. The equilibrium in life is an important factor, based on peace and rightfulness," said Shihab.

Mahmoud Farazandeh, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, told ANTARA on the sidelines of the seminar, that the academic and politics could go well together depending on the views held regarding life itself.

"In Islamic teaching, the relation between the Creator and human beings, and between human beings and human beings, are an integrated unity," he said, adding that all religions are of similar nature, namely upholding humanity.

Farazandeh stressed that Islam itself is a complete set of package of direction for human beings in their life.(*)


Editor: Jafar M Sidik
Copyright © ANTARA 2011