Gorontalo (ANTARA News) - Head of Judicial Commission Eman Suparman said about 20 percent of judges in Indonesia were "bad" and involved in bribes and failed to maintaining their independence.

"The number of troubled judges who get involved in bribes and are not independent is just about twenty percent. Eighty percent of others remain good to do their duties," he said.

Speaking here Saturday, he said the judges, who had likely or had evidently received bribes, were only found in big cities.

He admitted that public paid serious attention to unjust judges but it was just a matter of viewpoint.

Eman Suparman referred to the tax mafia case of Gayus Tambunan, a junior civil servant working at the tax office and having huge amount of money in his bank account.

For this case, the panel of judges just sentenced him to three years and a half in jail. As a result, lots of people protested the court`s verdict, he said.

"In this case, the panel of judges had possibly felt that they had been fair by referring to existing facts and evidences."

"Moreover, the amount of money that Gayus allegedly got was only Rp700 million. If he was then punished with maximum sentence, how was about greater amount of money, such as billions of rupiah?" he said.

In deciding someone`s verdict, none could interfere into the decision making process so that the panel of judges were indeed independent, he said.

However, the judges` position was vulnerable to sorts of bribes, such as money and power. Apart from that, majority of judges remained good and held their code of ethics, he said.

The Indonesian people consider corruption as an extraordinary crime against the state and nation.

Referring to the outcomes of the 2010 corruption perceptions the index survey (CPI) that the Transparency International Indonesia (TII) released in October 2010, Indonesia`s CPI score remained at 2.8, changed from that of the previous year.

With the CPI score, Indonesia remained at 110th position out of 178 countries that 10 independent institutions had surveyed from January 2009 to September 2010, the TII activist, Todung Mulya, said.

Indonesia`s position was only better than Myanmar`s but far left behind by Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and Thailand, he said.(*)

Editor: Ruslan Burhani
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