Washington (ANTARA News/AFP-OANA) - US President Barack Obama condemned Friday`s brutal attack on a UN compound in northern Afghanistan in which at least 12 people, including seven UN employees, were killed.

"I condemn in the strongest possible terms the attack on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan today," Obama said in a statement.

Four Nepalese guards had fought desperately against an armed mob that stormed a UN compound in Mazar-i-Sharif, but were overwhelmed and died with three workers they were protecting The demonstrators were protesting the burning of a Koran last month by a US pastor.

"We stress the importance of calm and urge all parties to reject violence and resolve differences through dialogue," Obama said.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton joined Obama in condemning the attack, saying "there is no justification for this atrocity."

"The United Nations staff killed were in Afghanistan to help the Afghan people build a better future," she added.

"The United Nations has stood by the Afghan people for more than fifty years," Clinton continued. "They have saved countless lives and delivered essential food and supplies.

"They are a force for peace, progress and stability in Afghanistan and throughout the world," she added.

Clinton pledged the United States would continue to support the UN mission and work together "for a more peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan."

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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