The change had actually been detected two years ago because the terrorist groups had become aware that large scale attacks would only cause only public hatred.
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Chief Security Minister Djoko Suyanto said the operational patterns of terrorists had changed from large scale with massive victims to small scale with fewer victims.

He said here on Thursday that the change had actually been detected two years ago because the terrorist groups had become aware that large scale attacks would only cause only public hatred.

"Two years ago I already said that they would change their pattern. In the past the target is wide with a lot of victims that only caused the public to hate them. Now the target is small," he said.

Djoko said whatever was the method they used their actions had to be condemned because they affected the lives of the innocent and because they would justify all means to meet their goals.

They had to be condemned because "first they are evil, cruel and take the lives of the innocent. I think all religions would not justify what they did, justifying all means and taking others` lives."

Earlier Sidney Jones from the International Crisis Group said that terrorists had slowly changed their method from operating in large group to smaller ones and even individually.

The change occurred because members of large groups such as Jamaah Islamiyah could easily be arrested and also because of the easy access to manuals for promoting their terrorist actions.

With regard to the Indonesia Islamic State (NII) issue Djoko Suyanto said the government was still investigating it.

"It is still being investigated with the aim totally eradicating it," he said.(*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
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