Cairo (ANTARA News/AFP) - Egypt`s former oil minister has been detained for 15 days in connection with a corruption probe, the latest member of the ousted regime to face questioning, a judicial official said on Thursday.

Sameh Fahmi and five other former officials from the oil ministry are accused of having sold Israel gas at less than market prices, the source said.

State prosecutor Abdel Meguid Mahmud has also issued an arrest warrant for Egyptian businessman Hussein Salem who is said to have profited from the gas deals, the source added.

State news agency MENA reported last week that Egypt`s prime minister has asked for the revision off all contracts to supply gas abroad, including to Israel.

Egypt supplies an estimated 40 percent of Israel`s gas in what, under ousted president Hosni Mubarak, was a highly controversial deal.

Prime Minister Essam Sharraf "has directed the revision and review of all gas contracts Egypt agreed to with all countries, including Jordan and Israel," MENA said on April 13.

The contracts are to be revisited so the gas "would be sold with deserved prices that achieve the highest returns for Egypt," it added.

A sweeping probe into corruption has been launched under the ruling military council which took power when president Hosni Mubarak was ousted on February 11 following anti-regime protests.

Several powerful members of the former regime and close associates are being questioned by prosecutors, including Mubarak`s sons Alaa and Gamal. (*)

Editor: Kunto Wibisono
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