Damascus (ANTARA News/AFP) - Security forces have arrested dozens of people in raids across Syria even though President Bashar al-Assad has lifted decades of emergency rule, a Syrian rights group said Sunday.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights gave the names of 18 men who were rounded up in the northern cities of Idlib, Raqqa and Aleppo but said that "dozens more were arrested in other Syrian towns."

Of those identified, eight were arrested "in connection with a demonstration Friday in the town of Sarakeb," near Idlib, the rights watchdog said.

The group strongly denounced the measures, saying Syrian authorities "continue to carry out arbitrary arrests despite the lifting of emergency rule."

On Thursday, Assad signed decrees ending a draconian state of emergency imposed by the ruling Baath Party when it seized power in 1963, restricting freedom of assembly.

He also abolished the state security court that has tried scores of regime opponents over the years outside the normal judicial system and whose verdicts cannot be appealed.

The Observatory urged again the authorities to free "all political prisoners and detainees of conscience."

It also demanded the creation of an independent commission to investigate the deaths of scores of people killed on Friday when tens of thousands of people swarmed cities and town across Syria calling for reform and the fall of the regime.

Rights activists have said the death toll from Friday`s protests, when security forces fired live rounds and tear gas at demonstrators, could top 100.

On Saturday at least 13 mourners who took part in funeral processions for Friday`s dead were shot dead.(*)


Editor: Ruslan Burhani
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