"Thailand also wishes to hold a cease-fire like what Cambodia has also expressed. The problem is there has been a lack of confidence."
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said here on Thursday the Thai government had reiterated its seriousness in continuing the settlement of its border conflict with Cambodia through dialogues.

He made the statement at a press conference after meeting with Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya at the foreign ministry.

"We, Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya and I, have held an open discussion on the core problem of the border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia," he said.

"There were direct, frank and firm questions to the Thai prime minister regarding their commitment to settling its conflict with Cambodia through diplomatic means," he said.

Marty said the Thai government would honor its commitment to settle its conflict with Cambodia peacefully, regardless of what is happening on the two countries` border.

The Thai government is strongly expecting Indonesia to play a role in settling its problem with Cambodia, he said, adding that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) had also been encouraged to be involved in bilateral dialogues.

Marty denied media reports that Thailand had been reluctant to involve ASEAN in the settlement of the dispute saying that Thailand was open for ASEAN involvement.

"Thailand also wishes to hold a cease-fire like what Cambodia has also expressed. The problem is there has been a lack of confidence. So the question is how their determination conveyed in separate occasions could be made into reality as one stance," he said.

"We must conduct confidence building again by considering various aspects especially the loss of lives, materials and friendship," he said.

Thailand and Cambodia clashed again over border dispute in the area where the holy Preah Vihear Temple which has been declared by UNESCO as a world heritage is located.

Eight Cambodian and six Thai civilians have been killed since the firefight as of Friday, prompting diplomatic pressures for the two countries to end their conflict.

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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