Peshawar, Pakistan (ANTARA News/AFP) - At least three people including a child were killed Monday in a car bomb blast targeting an anti-Taliban vigilante leader outside the northwestern city of Peshawar, police said.

The bombing outside the compound of local anti-Taliban vigilante commander Altaf Khan in the restive Matni suburb of Peshawar also wounded seven others and damaged a boundary wall and shops in the street, they said.

"At least three people were killed and seven others were wounded," senior police official Kalam Khan told AFP, confirming the blast came from a car bomb.

"A nine-year-old child is also among the death," Khan said.

Peshawar`s bomb disposal chief Hukam Khan said up to 50 kilograms (110 pounds) of explosives were packed in the car and detonated remotely.

Insurgents have previously targeted members of anti-militant tribal militias which are known as Lashkars.

Nearly 4,500 people have been killed across Pakistan in attacks blamed on Taliban and other Islamist extremist networks based in the nearby tribal belt since government troops stormed a radical mosque in Islamabad in 2007. (*)

Editor: Kunto Wibisono
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