Cilegon, Banten (ANTARA News) - Tens of local businessmen in Cilegon, Banten, have asked PT Krakatau-Posco to involve them in its project.

"We ask PT Krakatau-Posco to involve local businessmen in various jobs available during the construction of its steel plant," the chief delegate, Ahmad Sudrajat, said here on Monday.

He conveyed the wish during a meeting with PT Posco E&C represented by finance manager Keum Ha Park and with Krakatau Posco represented by director of human resources and general affairs Alugoro Mulyowahyudi and state holder and affairs relations manager Zainal Muttaqien.

"PT Krakatau Posco should involve local businessmen in every job available since construction to production stages," he said.

He said all jobs available at the phase of construction had so far been given to Posco`s subsidiaries from South Korea.

"Even before the plant is established everything is already monopolized by Korea. They have involved all Posco`s subsidiaries. S is it what is called empowerment," he said.

Ajat however admitted that not all jobs could be handled by local companies. "We also know it especially with regard to high technology and big jobs. We are certainly not able to do them. Therefore we do not ask them. But why should Korean companies carry out the small jobs while we are able to do them," he said.

Sharing his view, the chairman of the Gapeksindo of Cilegon chapter, Santanai, said Krakatau-Posco had to give a bigger opportunity to the local people of Cilegon including workers and businessmen.

"If the commitment is to improve the Cilegon people things must not be done like now. Some jobs are offered for bidding but the rules have been made in such a way impressing that they are deliberately made so to prevent local businessmen to get jobs," he said.

Krakatau-Posco meanwhile said it remained committed to cooperating with local businessmen.

"Actually we have no intention not to involve local businessmen. We will give a big opportunity for businessmen from Cilegon so long their qualifications match," Alugoro said.

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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