"An express way in the Java northern coastal area (Pantura) is indeed one of the priorities the six economic corridors. We wish to develop the Jakarta-Surabaya route into a seamless flow," Deputy Transportation Minister Hermanto Dardak said after witnessing the signing of the amendment between PPJT and three Toll Road Business Agencies (BUJT) and the Toll Road Arrangement Agency (BPJT) here on Thursday.
The Java trans toll road will be supportive to the implementation of the Indonesian Economic Development Acceleration and Expanded Master Plan (MP3EI).
The three BUJTs which signed the PPJT amendment were PT Pejagan
Pemalang Toll Road for the 57.50-km Pejagan-Pemalang road with an planned investment of Rp5.519 trillion, a concession of 45 years, PT Pemalang Batang Toll Road covering the 39.20-km Pemalang-Batang stretch with an estimated investment of Rp4.077 trillion and a concession of also 45 years.
The last is PT Cimanggis Cibitung Tollways covering the 25.39-km Cimanggis-Cibitung road with an estimated investment of Rp4.524 trillion and a concession of 35 years.
Hermanto said while the government sustainably prioritize jalan nasional di koridor the Jakarta-Surabaya national corridor by improving four lanes, conflicts with local traffic still often happens so that it was still necessary to build toll roads as an alternative.
"Therefore toll roads are not merely a business matter, but also public roads," he said.
Hermanto also said that the government under the Public Service Agency (BLU) is responsible for land procurement, then the
BUJT takes over construction, and after that the completed toll road returned by BUJT.
"The BLU team in each road is independent, and before 2012 land procurement is completed for construction in 1.5 to 2 years. The has prepared a BLU of Rp3.8 trillion this year," he said.
He also said that the Cimanggis-Cibitung stretch is playing a very strategic role to solf traffic jams in two corridors, Jagorawi and Cikampek toll roads.
"Upon completion, it will contribute to solving traffic jams in the two corridors. Thus, from Cikampek traffic could go straight to Jagorawi without using the Cikunir outer ring road (JORR)," he said.
Ten remaining
BPJT chief A Ghani Ghazali said that with the signing of the amendments of the three PPJT, the PPJT amendment of only 10 of the 24 toll roads to be evaluated by the government have yet to be signed.
"Only 10 are left because seven stretches have already been covered on June 7, 2011, then four stretches on June 28, 2011, and the latest three bringing the total to 14 toll roads and the remaining 10," he said.
Ghani pointed out that of the 10 stretches, it is only a matter of capital clarification and syndication from banks, because in general, the value of the project had changed and the rulings in the PPJT contract have also changed.
"So, a bank clarification would be needed while the problem of shareholders is no longer posing a problem, only some remains like the Batang-Semarang stretchy," he said.
Hermanto also cannot explain why the amendment of the PPJT of the Cikampek-Palimanan stretch known as a pilot project, has not been signed.
"But more than 90 pct of the land for this stretch has been procured," he said.(*)
Editor: Heru Purwanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2011