Banda Aceh, Sumatra (ANTARA News) - Ten provinces in Sumatra are participating in a tourism exhibition dubbed "Kemilau Sumatera 2011" (Sumatra`s Glitter) taking place here from July 8 through 10, 2011.

The ten provinces are North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands, Jambi, Lampung, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, Bangka Belitung and host Aceh, said the Culture and Tourism ministry promotion chief for Sumatra region, Raseno Arya here on Friday.

"This exhibition is expected to make Aceh a leading tourist destination which is safe, comfortable and attractive and to introduce the existence of a tsunami tourist attraction in the westernmost region of Indonesia," Arya said.

The fifth "Kemilau Sumatera 2011" event, according to Arya, is also expected to become a medium to promote the potential of tourism and diversity of natural and cultural charm.

This annual event is also featuring the arts and cultural attractions of the ten provinces.

The "Kemilau Sumatera 2011" was held coinciding with the Banda Aceh festival 2011 as well as featuring a variety of handicraft products and specific food from various districts/cities in the province that has imposed Islamic Sharia law.

In addition, Arya said the "Kemilau Sumatera 2011" and the "Banda Aceh Festival 2011" are aimed to become the spirit of togetherness to create and promote the tourism sector in Indonesia as well as support the creation of "Visit Aceh 2013."

In the meantime, Aceh governor Irwandi Yusuf and experts from the Miyara Foundation and the Culture and Tourism ministry were scheduled to deliver their speeches in a seminar relating to the "Kemilau Sumatera" event.



(T.SYS/B/B003/B/A014) 08-07-2011 18:32:12

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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