Bagdad (ANTARA News/AFP) - Four bombs targeting the home of an Iraqi anti-Qaeda militia leader killed at least three people and wounded several others north of Baghdad on Saturday, security officials said.

The bombs struck the home of Yassin Issa Daud, a leader of Sahwa (Awakening) militia in Taji, north of Baghdad, about 6:30 am (0330 GMT), Taji police Captain Ahmed Fahad said.

The explosions killed three people, including Daud`s brother and wife, and wounded six others, Fahad said, adding that Daud was not in his home at the time of the attack.

Officials from the interior and defence ministries put the toll at four killed and 11 wounded.

"Four people were killed and 11 others wounded by the explosion of four roadside bombs that targeted the house of a Sahwa leader in Taji," the interior ministry official said.

The defence ministry official gave the same toll. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity.


Editor: Suryanto
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