Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Attorney General`s Office (AGO) on Friday night detained DW, a former tax office employee in possession of inordinately fat bank accounts, after questioning him on two consecutive days since Thursday (March 1).

"Based on the results of the questioning, investigators have found sufficient ground to detain DW for the next 20 days," AGO spokesman Adi Togarisman, said.

DW was also detained as there was concern he would escape and destroy or hide evidence whereas he was suspected of having violated articles in the laws on corruption and money laundering.

Earlier, Reza Wijjaya, DW`s lawyer, had said it was not true that his client had Rp60 billion in his bank accounts because he possessed only Rp400 million.

"Therefore, I was rather taken aback by reports saying my client had Rp60 billion. Where did it all come from," Adi said after accompanying DW at the AGO`s special crimes department on Friday.

He also denied reports DW had accounts at 10 banks."The truth is my client has accounts at only five banks."

Daniel Alfredo, another lawyer of DW`s, said on DW`s personal wealth report to the Corruption Eradication Commission(KPK) dated June 24,2011, his assets were recorded at a total amount of only Rp1.2 billion.

AGO officers were earlier reported to have confiscated a quantity of money and gold bars as well as 17 trucks of various brands from DW.

Meanwhile, Arnold Angkouw, the AGO`s director of investigations, said the investigation of DW so far had brought to light the names of at least six taxable parties who had profited by DW`s manipulative acts while he was working at the directorate general of taxes.

"For the time being, we have obtained six names but I think there will be more," he said, adding they were the names of local companies. The AGO would in due course also summon the companies for questioning.

Arnold also confirmed that DW had Rp60 billion in his bank accounts. (*)

Editor: Kunto Wibisono
Copyright © ANTARA 2012