"We have distributed foods and aid..."Sampang (ANTARA News) - Floods have inundated four villages in Sampang, Madura, East Java on Saturday following incessant rain over the last two days in the region.
According to East Java Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), the four villages are Panggung, Tanggumung, Pasean and Dalpenang Villages.
"We have distributed foods and aid cooperating with the Transmigration, Labour and Social Service Office," Head of BPBD Imam Sanusi said here Saturday.
Sanusi said there was no sign of the water to recede sooner that the Agency immediately distributed aid to the affected regions and the victims.
The water level ranged from one to two meters deep in the affected region, such as in Tanggung Village, at the bank of Kalikemuning River.
Most of the residents were staying in their houses, instead of evacuating, as they were looking after their valuables, Sanusi said.
The floods had crippled transportation access from Sampang to Omben Subdistrict that residents should take alternative road to reach the two region.
Editor: Priyambodo RH
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