Gorontalo (ANTARA News) - Gorontalo provincial police has added the name of city official Andi Arfan to its wanted list for allegedly abusing drugs.

Gorontalo provincial police spokesperson Adj. Comr. Lisma Dunggio stated here on Wednesday that police were still hunting for him and had recently circulated his photographs to all police stations in the province.

"Starting Monday, we have been distributing his photographs to all police stations in Gorontalo and other provinces where he is believed to be hiding," he said.

Andi was suspected of possessing and consuming crystal methamphetamine (shabu-shabu) after the police conducting a raid on his house in the city on July 20 this year.

However, only three suspects, including Andi`s driver, were arrested during the search, while Andi escaped.

The police found 11 packets of crystal methamphetamine at Andi`s house during the raid.

Before Andi absconded, he was sentenced to four months` imprisonment for manhandling a National Narcotics Agency (BNN) employee in the city.

Andi was a member of the Gorontalo city administration`s expert team. Previously, he had headed the personnel affairs board and the public order agency (Satpol PP) of Gorontalo city. (*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
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