Beijing (ANTARA News/AFP) - A senior official in Chinas Ministry of Public Security has been sacked for "disciplinary violations", state media said, the latest target in a corruption crackdown by the ruling Communist Party.

Li Dongsheng, formerly a vice minister of public security, was removed from his various posts for "severe violations of discipline", according to an official circular reported by the state Xinhua agency.

The phrase is usually used to indicate alleged corruption.

The move to sack Li had been expected after the partys Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced last week that he was under investigation.

Li was one of nine people with the rank of vice minister at the Ministry of Public Security, the government department in charge of policing.

He also served as a vice secretary on the ministrys party committee and was deputy head of a leading group that deals with the prevention and handling of issues related to cults, the commission announcement said.

The powerful ministry is one of Chinas most important, responsible for helping maintain order in the worlds most populous country of 1.35 billion people and one where the party does not tolerate challenges to its rule.

President Xi Jinping has taken a hard line against graft, waste and extravagance since coming to power a little over one year ago.

He has warned that corruption could destroy the party and threatened to crack down on high-ranking officials, described as "tigers", along with low-level "flies".

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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