Surabaya, E Java (ANTARA News) - The Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS) launched the second generation of formula car made by its students on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of Indonesian independence on Sunday.

The car called "Sapu Angin Speed" (SAS) II was prepared to take part in Student Formula Japan (SFJ) 2014 competition to be held on September 2-7, team manager Akhmad Ittang said here on Sunday.

SFJ is a competition held by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). ITS is one of three institutions to represent Indonesia in the competition.

"SAS II is the improvement of SAS I, the first generation which won the Best Rookie Award in similar competition," he said.

The award had motivated ITS students to develop the second generation of the car. "We are optimistic about winning more awards this year," he said.

In the competition 2014, the ITS team aimed to achieve the best performance award for which a number of preparations had been made, he said.

"In the past six months we have prepared ourselves for the competition. We have conducted 10 test runs of the car under various conditions and weathers," he said.

Compared to SAS I which underwent one test run, the second generation was far more prepared to take part in the competition, he said.

The SAS II formula car uses a 450 cc single cylinder engine Husaberg.

"The engine was imported from Austria," he said.

Reporting by Edy M Yakub

Editor: Aditia Maruli Radja
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