The recognition was given on Tuesday with a decision of the new Justice and Human Rights Minister Yasona Laoly, Romahurmuziy said.Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The government has given its recognition to the Central Executive Board (DPP) of the United Development party (PPP) formed in recent national congress in Surabaya under Muhammad Romahurmuziy.
The recognition was given on Tuesday with a decision of the new Justice and Human Rights Minister Yasona Laoly, Romahurmuziy said.
"With the ministerial decision, there is only one central executive board (DPP) of PPP under Romahurmuziy and Aunur Rofik as the secretary general," he said.
The DPP under Romahurmuziy was formed as a result of the Muktamar (Congress) in Surabaya on Oct 15-17.
The leadership of PPP had been split with old general chairman Suryadarma Ali dismissed earlier in a meeting of the party leaders.
Suryadarma, however, did not recognize the decision to dismiss him saying only a Muktamar has the authority to dismiss the general chairman of the party leader.
He also called the Surabaya Muktamar illegal.
Suryadarma Ali began to lose control of PPP after he brought the Islamic party into the coalition of parties supporting former rival presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto without approval of many other party leaders.
His fall from the party leadership was expedited with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) named him a corruption suspect, and KPK could throw him to its detention center any time.
Suryadarma Ali and his loyalist planned to hold a rival Muktamar on October 30 to form a DPP of its own.
Romahurmuziy said the vast majority of the PPP regional leaders took part in the Surabaya Muktamar that any attempt to hold a another Muktamar is illegal.
"As from today there is only one DPP of PPP," he said.
He said all DPP members and regional leaders are required to declare their loyalty to the DPP formed in the Surabaya Muktamar and put an end to internal conflict.
He also passed order for consolidation after months of uncertainty and internal conflict in the party.
He said all regional leaders of the party are required to attend a leadership meeting to be held in Jakarta.(*)
Editor: Heru Purwanto
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