"This is the first time wushu has been included in a students competition. The athletes will perform the taolu form, or the beautiful art motion," team manager Nanang Soleh said here on Friday.
Nanang has been preparing the team for the event ever since the national championship in Medan. The team is undergoing thorough practice sessions in Jakarta before their departure for the Philippines on Saturday morning.
The manager has expressed hope to win a couple of gold medals although it is his teams first ever international competition. "The athletes are ready for the event, and we are optimistic we can achieve the best result," he remarked.
The athletes in the mens A category are Edgar Xavier Marvelo, I Ketut Adi Putra Adnyana, and Nicholas. The womens A athletes are Sabina Katya VD, Vania Cristiawantho, and Cynthia Cuaca.
In the mens category B are M Dava Golden Boy, Felix Angka, and Shane Davency Patrick R while those in the womens category are Priscillia Cuaca, L Dianika Winanda, and Nadya Permata Setiawan.
(Reported by Karel A. Polakitan/Uu.INE/KR-BSR/A014)
Editor: Priyambodo RH
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