TNI provides healthcare services for Central Papua's Bilogai villagers
- 23rd June 2024
Rimbun Airplane was crashed in six kilometers near Bilogai airport, Homeyo sub-district, Intan Jaya district, Papua Province on Wednesday morning (Sept 15). A joint Search and Rescue (SAR) team has found the plane debris in a mountainous area at an altitude of 2,400 meters. ANTARA FOTO/HO/Dok Humas Polda Papua/sgd/hp/b019
A joint Search and Rescue (SAR) team is prepared to evacuate Rimbun Airplane that crashed in Homeyo sub-district, Intan Jaya district, Papua Province on Wednesday morning (Sept 15). The cargo plane was reportedly lost contact at 07:25 local time during its flight from Nabire to Sugapa. ANTARA FOTO/Dok Humas Polda Papua/Handout/sgd/hp/b019