#m jusuf kalla

Collection of m jusuf kalla news, found 2.489 news.

Vice President of Argentina Michetti pays courtesy call to Kalla

Vice President of Argentina Gabriela Michetti made a courtesy call to Vice President M Jusuf Kalla on Tuesday and the ...

Government should raise unified voice over Natuna incident

The Government of Indonesia must present a unified voice over an incident involving a Vietnamese patrol vessel ramming ...

Education must be based on future needs: Vice President

Indonesian Vice President Muhammad Jusuf Kalla said at a national seminar themed "Format of Education to ...

Anti-graft team returns empty-handed after raid at minister's house

Investigators of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) found nothing pertinent to an alleged bribery case to ...

News Focus

Govt considering moving capital city outside Java Island

The Indonesian Government is considering developing a new capital city located outside Java Island, to replace Jakarta ...

Government allocates Rp27 trillion for subsidized fertilizers

The Agriculture Ministry has allocated Rp27 trillion in the budget fund for 8.8 million tons of subsidized fertilizers ...

VP calls on workers to participate in May Day commemoration peacefully

Vice President Jusuf Kalla called on workers to participate in the commemoration of International Labor Day on May 1 in ...

VP confirms negotiations ongoing over Indonesia-Vietnam EEZ borders

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla revealed that negotiations were ongoing between Jakarta and Hanoi over their ...

Tough choice to make on new capital city's location: VP

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla admitted to it being no easy task to decide on an apt location for the new capital city ...

Government to move capital city out of Java

After serious consideration, the Indonesian government has chosen to move the capital city out of Java. "In a ...

Minister optimistic that Indonesia would escape China's BRI debt trap

Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan is upbeat that Indonesia would not be ensnared by a debt ...

Chinese president appreciates Indonesian general elections

Chinese President Xi Jinping has appreciated the Indonesian government for successfully holding simultaneous elections ...

News Focus

Lesson Indonesia learned from Sri Lanka, New Zealand

The ISIS has claimed responsibility for Easter Sunday's deadly coordinated suicide bombings on churches and hotels ...

Kalla holds bilateral meet with Chinese VP before visiting Jinping

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla held a bilateral meeting with his Chinese counterpart Wang Qishan in Beijing, ...

Demands of disruption era pose major challenge to government: mayor

The impact and demands of the disruption era are challenging Indonesia's regional and central governments, with ...