#asean china free trade agreement

Collection of asean china free trade agreement news, found 29 news.

RI backs ASEAN economic priorities under Malaysia

Deputy Trade Minister Dyah Roro Esti has expressed Indonesia's support for the priority economic deliverables put ...

ASEAN 2023

President Jokowi encourages stronger ASEAN-partners cooperation

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) highlighted the importance of strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation between ...

ASEAN supports Indonesia in achieving economic priorities in SEOM 2/54

Indonesia has received support from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) partner countries to achieve ...

Jokowi praises fruitful partnership between ASEAN and China

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) acknowledged the fact that the partnership between the ASEAN and China dating back 30 ...

ASEAN underlines importance of consolidation to boost trade

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) urged members to enhance quality and solidity through preparedness ...

Indonesia urged to equate Indo-Pacific concept with influential countries

Padjadjaran University`s International Relations Expert Teuku Rezasyah opined it is time for Indonesia to build dialog ...

Creating more mutual benefits in Indonesia-Japan relations

The economic cooperation between Indonesia and Japan has been well-established and in full bloom, since the opening of ...

Indonesia seeking to reduce deficit in trade with China

Indonesia is seeking to reduce its trade deficit with China that has built up over the past few years, deputy for ...

Indonesia has to redress trade with China: MPR chairman

Chairman of the Indonesian People`s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Sidarto Danusubroto said Indonesia should seek to ...

ASEAN-China trade forecast to reach US$500 bln in 2015

Trade between ASEAN and China is likely to hit a record-high of US$500 billion in 2015, according to an Indonesian ...

Four global economic issues have impact on Indonesia

The Asia-Pacific region that covers Indonesia has at least four global economic issues that have an impact on ...

Indonesian chamber urges govt to prepare smes for AEC

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) urged the government on Tuesday to prepare small and medium ...

ASEAN to study request for Hong Kong given access to ACFTA

Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan said the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is studying request to give Hong ...

Indonesian government expected to improve in foreign trade

In order to enhance the country`s domestic industrial competitiveness, the government must learn more about ...

No agreement on Indonesia-EU industry strengthening

Indonesia and the European Union (EU) have yet to reach an agreement on building industrial strength between the two ...