Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia are continuing to strengthen cooperation to improve maritime safety in the straits ...
The straits of Malacca and Singapore have an important role since they connect the Indian Ocean and South China Sea and ...
The Indonesian government and the governments of Malaysia, Singapore, and Japan are attending a meeting in Singapore ...
Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi highlighted Indonesia’s commitment and contribution to the maritime ...
Rector of the Indonesian Defense University (Unhan) and TNI (Indonesian Defense Forces) vice admiral, Prof. Dr. ...
Indonesia's Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, in his address at the 31st Session of the International ...
Indonesia has made new history in the international maritime arena as an archipelagic state in the world that has a ...
Indonesian Navy has secured a Singapore-flagged vessel MV Sunrise Glory that was carrying about one ton of ...
Indonesia has rejected Malaysias proposal on the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) in Kukup Island and Piai Bay, ...
Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi invites Danish and Norwegian corporations to establish partnerships with ...