
Collection of abroad news, found 3.358 news.

Athletes to compete abroad to prepare for SEA Games

National athletes will participate in at least 2 sporting events abroad to prepare for the 32nd SEA Games in Phnom ...

International hospital targets residents seeking treatment abroad

The international hospital developed in the Sanur Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Denpasar, Bali, will target residents ...

Preventing PMI from flying home violates human rights: Komnas HAM

The case of Maryam, an Indonesian migrant worker (PMI) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) who was allegedly not allowed ...

PMI should consider negative impacts of working illegally: Kowani

General Chairperson of the Indonesian Women's Congress (Kowani) Giwo Rubianto Wiyogo appealed to Indonesian people ...

Lampung: Aid sourced from DTU reaches 90% beneficiaries

The distribution of social assistance sourced from 2 percent of Lampung province's general transfer funds (DTU) has ...

Import growth to be higher than that of export: Economist

Bank Mandiri economist Faisal Rachman has predicted that the growth in imports will be higher than that of exports in ...

KSP presses for strengthening regulations protecting migrant workers

Chief of the Presidential Staff (KSP) Moeldoko emphasized the need for the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency ...

Controlled pandemic handling has helped curb new waves: Minister

Adequate and controlled handling of the pandemic has prevented Indonesia from facing new waves of positive COVID-19 ...

Necessary to build heart and cancer hospital in Riau: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accentuated the need to build a heart and cancer hospital in Riau Province in a bid to ...

East Java Governor launches innovative programs at Dr Soetomo Hospital

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa launched six strategic and innovative programs of Dr Soetomo Regional ...

President, Riau governor discuss setting up specialized hospitals

Riau Governor Syamsuar has apprised President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) about the need for establishing specialized ...

Jakartans asked to wear masks while celebrating New Year

Acting governor of Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono has advised the capital city’s residents to continue wearing ...

326,044 Indonesians fly abroad via Soekarno-Hatta Airport

At least 326,044 Indonesians have undertaken international travel since the start of the Christmas and New Year ...

COVID-19 case spike not caused by public mobility: minister

The latest spike in COVID-19 cases has not been caused by public mobility, but by the emergence of a new variant of the ...

Indonesian presidency in ASEAN pushes for solution in Myanmar: DPR

Indonesia's strategic position as ASEAN 2023 Chair could be used for a solution to conflict in Myanmar and ...