
Collection of accountability news, found 652 news.

8 million worldwide receiving HIV treatment: UNAIDS

Over eight million people worldwide had access to life-saving treatment in low- and middle- income countries last year ...

Govt implements energy efficiency measures

Realising that Indonesia is no longer an oil-rich country, the government has implemented a number of energy ...

ASEAN connectivity, Myanmar issue highlighted in World Economic Forum

The development of infrastructure among ASEAN nations to support the organizations target for economic integration in ...

WEF highlights CEO, leaders` responsibility for cyber security

The increasing dependence on connectivity calls for chief executives and other leaders to take responsibility for ...

Amnesty critisizes US for unlawful Bin Laden raid

Amnesty International criticized the United States on Wednesday for its use of lethal force, particularly for the ...

Polio eradication shifts into emergency mode

-       New cases at lowest levels ever, but funding gap threatens ...

FTI Consulting Appoints Asia Technology Team, Expands Full-Service Asia Pacific Technology Practice

-     FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN), the global business advisory firm dedicated to helping ...

Industries complain of gas supply, planned price increase

Industries have so far complained of a gas supply shortage at their factories, and now they are complaining about the ...

US ambassador helps launch "emas" child program in W Java

US Ambassador Scot Marciel spent April 18 visiting Bandung, West Java, where he launched a child health program, ...

Indonesia launched South-South and triangular cooperation programs

Indonesia launched South-South and Triangular cooperation programs for developing countries here on Monday. "We ...

Regional governments urged to speed up bureaucratic reform

Minister for State Administrative Reform Azwar Abubakar has urged the regional governments to speed up bureaucratic ...

BPK discovers state losses amounting to Rp13.25 trillion

The State Audit Board (BPK) has discovered 4,941 cases of non-compliance that have caused losses, potential losses and ...

KPK to declare Manado as integrity zone

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is making preparations for the launch on April 26, 2012 of the North ...

Pakistani president slams militants for exploiting religion of Islam

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari Saturday condemned the militants for "exploiting religion of Islam" through ...

Sri Lanka to resist US war crimes resolution

Sri Lanka on Thursday dismissed as "ill-timed and ill-conceived" a US move at the UN Human Rights Council to censure ...