#across indonesia

Collection of across indonesia news, found 2.356 news.

News Focus

PON Papua, an amalgamation of natural beauty and sportsmanship

The XX National Sports Week (PON) scheduled in Papua on October 2-15, 2021, will be a platform to clock achievements in ...

Harness pandemic momentum to modernize toll road services: Minister

Public Works and Public Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono urged all Toll Road Corporations (BUJT) to streamline ...

COVID-19: Papua to integrate PON, Peparnas app with PeduliLindungi

The Papua administration has planned to integrate the mobile application developed for this year's PON National ...

Economic transformation necessary amid pandemic: expert

Dean of IPB University's Economy and Management Faculty, Nunung Nuryanto, has highlighted the importance of the ...

Demographic bonus should be used for human resource development" Prof

Demographic bonus must be utilized to drive the development of human resources, according to Professor from University ...

BPIP introduces Pancamain to teachers across Indonesia

Deputy for Control and Evaluation at the Agency for Pancasila Ideology Education (BPIP) Rima ...

Not every restaurant helped by delivery services during PPKM: PHRI

Head of Indonesia's Hotel and Restaurant Association Hariyadi Sukamdani unveiled on Tuesday that not every ...

Babel Islands administration offers door-to-door rice assistance

The Bangka Belitung (Babel) Islands provincial government is conducting door-to-door distribution of rice ...

Sharia Economic Festival 2021 in East Indonesia opens on July 27

Sharia Economic Festival (FESyar) 2021 Eastern Indonesia region (KTI), with Gorontalo City as the host, officially ...

Indonesia needs 2,500 tons of oxygen per day: minister

Indonesia needs 2,500 tons of oxygen per day to meet soaring demand amid an exponential spike in COVID-19 cases, Health ...

Air Force's acid plant supplying oxygen cylinders to hospitals

- where the acid plant is located -- by bringing their personal identification, he informed. Besides supplying ...

News Focus

Papua struggles to bring COVID-19 cases under control

Papua has been struggling to cope with a drastic rise in COVID-19 cases over the past few weeks, with the Delta variant ...

Industry Ministry launches educational program on paper technology

The Industry Ministry is trying to boost the performance of the paper industry to improve the national economy by ...

Telemedicine to ease vaccine registrations at health facilities: IDI

Chairman of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI), Daeng M. Faqih, has said he expects telemedicine services to ease ...

Ministry to hold national prayer for people dying of COVID-19

The Ministry of Religious Affairs will hold a national prayer (tahlil) on Thursday, starting at 19:00 local time, to ...