
Collection of activists news, found 903 news.

Village Literacy Movement brings books closer to community: Perpusnas

The National Library (Perpusnas) has said that its Village Literacy Movement will bring books closer to the community ...

Village Literacy Movement can produce competitive talents: VP

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has expressed the hope that the Village Literacy Movement would encourage more rural ...

Awaiting implementation of regulations of Sexual Violence Crime Law

May 9, 2024, will mark two years since the ratification of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual ...

Preserving a balance between development and biodiversity in Nusantara

One of the main pillars of the development concept of Indonesia's new capital Nusantara is harmony between ...

All hopes pinned on peaceful persuasion to free NZ pilot 

The Indonesian government is continuing efforts to free New Zealander pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens, who has been held ...

Simultaneous tree planting held to mitigate climate change: minister

Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar said that the simultaneous tree planting activity held to ...

Transportation Ministry provides aid for Demak flood victims

Women's organization Dharma Wanita of the Transportation Ministry's Air Transportation Directorate General has ...

News Feature

Indonesia's frontiers emerge as models of religious tolerance

Natuna District, Riau Islands Province, is one of Indonesia’s frontiers, with a society comprising various ...

Digital reading to increase family literacy is fundamental: Perpusnas

The National Library's (Perpusnas') Deputy for Library Resource Development, Adin Bondar, emphasized that the ...

Equality by Design: A Model for Managing Discriminatory Risks of AI

- Since 2021, Mary Kay Inc. has partnered with the Equal Rights Trust (ERT), an organization whose mission is to ...

News Focus

Elections --- Beacon of hope for democracy, good governance

Indonesian citizens in Australia cast their votes at polling stations on Saturday as the three pairs of presidential ...

Ministry encourages open discussion on fight against book piracy

The Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) Ministry is always open to discussion on workable concrete measures for ...

National Library focusing on three programs to boost literacy

Acting Head of the National Library E. Aminudin Aziz stated that the National Library will focus on conducting three ...

BP2MI forms task force to eradicate illegal migrant workers' placement

The Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI) formed a special task force comprising 68 cross-agency members ...

Ministry steadfast in boosting youngsters' financial literacy

The Finance Ministry is committed to increasing financial literacy of young people, including their understanding of ...