
Collection of adequate news, found 2.185 news.

Startup20 India: Indonesia’s Edtech Cakap, Shares the Story of Elevating Human Resource Quality

In the past, India was well known for its Bollywood films, now it is known as where Information Technology (IT) ...

KPK, ICAC hold joint training to boost anti-corruption efforts

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Hong Kong, China, held ...

Regions must get more involved in social protection: Bappenas

Regional governments need to play a more significant role in adaptive social protection programs, according to Dinar ...

MPR seeks bolstering of early detection to anticipate rise in diseases

Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Lestari Moerdijat has sought the strengthening ...

Strong families key to Indonesia's global competitiveness: BKKBN

Strong families are Indonesia's capital for competing in many aspects on a global scale, according to Hasto ...

Regions told to prepare food barns as El Nino looms

Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo has asked local governments to prepare food barns in their respective areas, ...

Indonesia rescues 1,943 trafficking victims, arrests 698 suspects

Indonesia's Task Force for the Eradication and Prevention of Human Trafficking (TPPO) has rescued 1,943 human ...

Referral system, nutritional intervention aims to reduce stunting

Stunting is generally defined as a chronic problem caused by long-term malnutrition that can hinder the growth of ...


Understanding the contribution of taxes to RI's economic stability

Imagine captaining a ship during storms and high waves and sensing uncertainty on reaching your destination, and in ...

Lulut Nambo TPPAS solution to Depok city’s waste problem: governor

The Lulut Nambo Final Waste Processing Site (TPPAS) in Bogor District could help solve Depok City’s waste ...

Minister sends off 21 nurses to work in Singapore under P-to-P scheme

Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah has sent off 21 nurses to work in Singapore in the first formal sector nurse placement ...

Collaboration crucial in handling housing issues, slum areas: Ministry

City Without Slum Program (KOTAKU) that was initiated in 2016. The KOTAKU program aims to improve access to basic ...

NFA guarantees food supply and prices ahead of Eid al-Adha

The Head of the National Food Agency (NFA), Arief Prasetyo Adi, has guaranteed the stability of food supply and prices ...

Media urged to prioritize public interest during elections coverage

Press Council Chairperson Ninik Rahayu urged all journalists in Indonesia to play their role as the instruments of ...

Baznas targets Qurbani collection to reach Rp13 trillion in 2023

The National Zakat Agency (Baznas) targets the collection from Qurbani, or animal sacrifice, across Indonesia this year ...