
Collection of advance news, found 2.362 news.

Sustainable business development needs women's participation: Minister

Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Bintang Puspayoga encourages sustainable business development ...

Mary Kay Inc. furthers commitment to conservation, joins UN Ocean Stewardship Coalition

Mary Kay Inc., a global advocate for corporate sustainability and stewardship, recently joined the UN Global ...

BPS registers all Regsosek officers for social security program

Statistics Indonesia (BPS) has registered its Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) officers for the state-run Workers ...

Ministry to learn about technology adoption from CUFS

The Religious Affairs Ministry will gain insights on the use of technology for equitable access to education from Cyber ...

Ministry, S Korean university cooperate in Cyber Islamic University

The Ministry of Religious Affairs established cooperation with the Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies of South ...

Support organizations that promote halal economy: Industry Ministry

The Industry Ministry has expressed support for organizations that can help improve the national and global halal ...

BNPT reemphasizes pledge to meeting rights of victims of terrorism

The National Counter-terrorism Agency (BNPT) reiterated its resolve to fulfilling the rights and needs of survivors of ...

Gernas BBI medium to promote village products: minister

The “Proud of Indonesia-made Products Movement" (Gernas BBI)  is a medium to promote village products, ...

Implementing Regsosek to realize One Data to advance Indonesia

People may not realize that the key to the successful implementation of a policy is the availability of excellent ...

Ministry applies sustainable ecosystem management in social forests

The Environment and Forestry Ministry has adopted a sustainable ecosystem management approach in the implementation of ...

BI continues to expand, strengthen MSME development programs: official

Bank Indonesia (BI) has continued to expand and strengthen micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) development ...

Mary Kay Inc. welcomes Global Diversity Month with release of company statement on DEI and DEI Summit

Mary Kay Inc., a long-standing champion and global advocate for women’s empowerment and gender equality, has ...

Over 35,000 young farmers obtain Rp1.4 tln in people's credit

More than 35 thousand millennial farmers assisted by the Agriculture Ministry have succeeded in obtaining a total of ...

Canadian minister to visit Indonesia to deepen Indo-Pacific relations

Canadian Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development Mary Ng will visit ...

Development of women-run MSMEs will advance economy: BI

The development of women-run micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), including those producing sharia fashion, ...