#again question

Collection of again question news, found 1.557 news.

teamLab Planets in Tokyo unveils two new immersive living garden artworks on July 2

teamLab Planets TOKYO in Toyosu, Tokyo is celebrating its third anniversary with an expansion: on July 2, the museum ...

News Focus

Indonesia's long and winding road to winning war on drugs

Indonesia, which has seen drug addiction spiral into a life-threatening problem for millions of people, on Monday ...

MP questions Bandung high court's ruling in drug trafficking case

A senior member of parliament (MP) questioned the Bandung high court judges' ruling under which six convicted drug ...

President urges local governments to double vaccination target

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called upon local governments to double the COVID-19 vaccination target to expedite ...

Habib Rizieq Shihab's son-in-law sentenced to one year imprisonment

The East Jakarta District Court sentenced Habib Hanif Alatas to one year in prison on Thursday over the Ummi Hospital ...

Habib Rizieq Shihab rejects court's verdict in swab testing case

Indonesia's esteemed ulema and founder of the now-defunct Islam Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab rejected ...

Indonesia urges NAM to seek durable solution for Palestine

Indonesia initiated an Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Committee on Palestine and ...

Police question wardens over poisoning of inmates at Bali prison

Police are questioning wardens and inmates of a women’s correctional facility in Bali province following a mass ...

“Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team” Captain Tsubasa 40th x 4th game anniversary campaign kicks off!

Tokyo, Japan – June 4, 2021 (ANTARA) – KLab Inc., a leader in online mobile games, announced that its ...

Indonesia looks to EU to resolve Palestine question

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said she has pinned her hopes on the European Union (EU) to support efforts ...

Three Indonesian provinces to receive grants from US MCC

Three Indonesian provinces will receive Rp4 trillion in grants from the US Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to ...

ASEAN adopts action plan to curb plastic pollution

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on Friday unveiled a regional action plan (RAP) for combating marine ...

NU East Java condemns Aqsa attack, calls for int'l sanction on Israel

The East Java chapter of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has strongly condemned the attack against Palestinians in the Al-Aqsa ...

“Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team” debuts new players wearing 2021 season J.League official kits today!

Tokyo, Japan (ANTARA) – KLab Inc., a leader in online mobile games, announced that its head-to-head football ...


Arms modernization during peacetime: Is it important?

The recent tragedy that befell KRI Nanggala - 402, which sank in the waters north of Bali, has brought public attention ...