#anak anak

Collection of anak anak news, found 18 news.

Language agency holds Literary Night, awards literary communities

The Language Development and Guidance Agency at the Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry held a ...

Heads of 9 taliabu villages receive awards

The nine village heads on Taliabu Island, North Maluku Province, were named Indonesian Child Care Figures by the ...

Korea offers to help reduce rate of accidents involving children

An academician from a Korean university is offering to implement an effective strategy in Yogyakarta to reduce the ...

500 dead in Syria regime`s Aeppo assault

A Russian-backed regime onslaught in northern Syria was reported to have killed more than 500 people this month, as ...

Harta 62 orang terkaya sama dengan setengah penduduk dunia

Nilai harta 62 orang terkaya dunia sama dengan jumlah harta yang dimilki setengah populasi di dunia yaitu sekitar 3,5 ...

UN appeals for more action to protect conflict-affected children

A senior UN official said on Tuesday (Sept. 9) that strengthened collective actions are in urgent need to respond to ...

Two million Indonesian children not living with biological parents

Around two million Indonesian children do not live with their biological parents but they live in nursing homes or ...

Sedikitnya 9.000 orang mengungsi hindari kekerasan di Nigeria utara

Sedikitnya 9.000 orang menyelamatkan diri akibat kekerasan di bagian utara Nigeria dan mereka melintas ke ...

Indonesia`s human development index improves

Indonesia shows a notable increase on the Human Development Index, according to figures released in the United ...

150,000 children die of preventable diseases

Nearly 150,000 Indonesian children under five die of preventable diseases every year, according to UNICEF. "The ...

Many small kids lack outdoor time with parents

Roughly half of preschoolers don`t spend time playing outside with a parent each day, despite the fact that outdoor ...

Illegitimate child rights and its problems in Indonesia

The National Child Protection Commission (KPAI) has estimated that 50 per cent of Indonesian children have no birth ...

Malaysia tangani anak-anak tanpa kewarganegaraan di Sabah

Kementerian Dalam Negeri Malaysia mengirim tim khusus untuk melakukan investigasi menyeluruh terkait keberadaan ...

RI`s constitutional court to arrange illegitimate child rights

Chairman of the Indonesian Constitutional Court Mahfud MD called on the ministers of religious affairs and Interior ...

Sekjen PBB tinjau kawasan banjir Bangkok

Sekretaris Jenderal PBB Ban Ki-moon akan meninjau kawasan yang dilanda banjir di Bangkok dalam rangkaian perjalanannya ...