
Collection of anak news, found 336 news.

WB president optimistic IMF-WB annual meeting would run smoothly

World Bank (WB) President Jim Yong Kim is optimistic that the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ...

President to issue online licensing system

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the government will soon issue an integrated licensing system through "online ...

President Joko Widodo opens 40th Bali Art Festival

President Joko Widodo flagged off a parade of art troupes to mark the opening of the 40th Bali Art Festival here, ...

Kerala Samajam Indonesia hands over donation to orphanages

The Managing Committee of Kerala Samajam Indonesia (KSI), one of the Indian Regional Associations in Indonesia ...

Heads of 9 taliabu villages receive awards

The nine village heads on Taliabu Island, North Maluku Province, were named Indonesian Child Care Figures by the ...

Developing Mount Rinjani tourism through geopark concept

The government of West Nusa Tenggara Province, through the concept of geopark, needs to develop Mount Rinjani region ...

Unesco designates Mount Rinjani as global geopark

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has designated Mount Rinjani in the ...

Laporan: Perang dagang akan bahayakan bisnis Amerika Serikat

Karena kepentingan bisnis AS di Tiongkok jauh lebih besar daripada apa yang ditunjukkan oleh data perdagangan, perang ...

Bali`s target for tourist arrivals set 1 million higher in 2018

The provincial administration of Bali has set target for the number of foreign tourist arrivals at 6.5 million in ...

"Golden Cane Warrior", "Rainbow Troops" screened in Netherlands

Two Indonesian movies, "The Golden Cane Warrior" directed by Ifa Isfansyah and "The Rainbow Troops" directed by Riri ...

Bali offers better services to "stranded" tourists

The I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport reopened on Nov 29 at 3 p.m. local time following a temporary shutdown ...

100 Indonesia`s major cooperatives documented in a book

As many as 100 major cooperatives in Indonesia have been documented in a book entitled "100 Major Cooperatives of ...

About 500 french children in jihadi-held areas of Iraq and Syria

Some 700 French adults, one-third of them women, and about 500 children are in jihadi-held areas in Iraq and Syria, an ...

Tourism in Bali safe amid alert status of Mount Agung

Tourist sites in Bali are safe amid the alert status of Mount Agung, the highest mountain in Bali. The status of ...

Mt Agung`s activity on rise, but Bali remains safe

The alert status for Mount Agung was raised to Watch, or Level IV, on Sept 22 following increased seismic activity, ...