#andi abdussalam

Collection of andi abdussalam news, found 560 news.

3,880 People Participate in Second Congress of Indonesian Diasporas

Around 3,880 people are participating in the Second Congress of Indonesian Diasporas being held at the Jakarta ...

Thousands of People Migrate To Java After Idul Fitri

Thousands of people migrated from Sumatra to Java after post-fasting Idul Fitri  holidays this year, according to ...

Batam Residents Hold Rally Condemning Viiolence In Egypt

Hundreds of people grouped in the Humanitarian Committee for Egyptian People here on Sunday held a rally condemning ...

Foreign Ministry Holds Meeting on Protection of Indonesians Overseas

The Indonesian foreign ministry here on Sunday organized a coordinating meeting on the protection of Indonesian ...

President Yudhoyono expected to inaugurate projects in Maluku

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is expected to inaugurate a number of projects in Maluku, Maluku Governor Karel ...

Indonesian govt developing infrastructure for gas conversion

The government is developing infrastructure facilities, such as gas refilling stations (SPBG) and gas pipeline ...

CPO price fall this year predicted to continue in 2013

This year, the Indonesian crude palm oil (CPO) industry has witnessed a decline in its commodity prices. The CPO ...

Indonesian govt to promote Baduy land as culture tourism center

The local government is developing the Baduy Land into a culture tourism site. Baduy is populated by about ...

Indonesia aims to become business hub through seaport expansion

The government is determined to expand seaports across Indonesia in a bid to set in motion the Master Plan for ...

RI racing against time to meet MDG targets by andi abdussalam - (d)

Indonesia, one of the 189 countries that declared in 2000 their commitment to achieving eight Millennium Development ...

Buffer stock for raw rattan needed

A buffer stock, such as the state logistics board (Bulog) which collects rice, is needed to accommodate farmers` raw ...

RI govt keeps open option for hiking fuel prices

Although it has plans to begin limiting subsidized fuel oil consumption next April, the government will continue to ...

Floods begin to affect various parts of Indonesia

In the run-up to the end of the year this week, the on-going rainy season has begun to trigger floods in various parts ...

Bima clash needs to be investigated independently

While an investigation into bloody clashes between security forces and local people that claimed the lives of nine ...

RI upbeat over its tourism target

Indonesia will most probably achieve its tourism target this year considering that it attracted 4.3 million foreign ...