
Collection of arts news, found 1.448 news.

Warehouse TERRADA announcing internship program with Taiwan's Cheng Shiu University as part of our collaborative course at the Yokohama College of Art & Design

- In April, 2017 Warehouse TERRADA (Shinagawa, Tokyo / CEO: Yoshihisa Nakano) is pleased to announce that we will ...

"La La Land" wins BAFTA`s best film award to continue hot streak

Musical "La La Land" won big at Britains main film awards on Sunday as it scooped the prize for best film, while Emma ...

Cleanliness crucial for Sabang city as tourism strategic zone: Official

Sabang City, which has been designated by the Tourism Ministry as a national tourism strategic zone (KSPN), should ...

Indonesian martial arts athletes to compete in Belgium

Several athletes of the Indonesian Pencak Silat (Martial Arts) Association (IPSI) will participate in the ...

Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo hosts Hinamatsuri Girls' Dolls Festival exhibition

- Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo, one of Japan’s most prestigious international hotels located in ...

Indonesian govt`s scholarships for students is investment in human resources: Minister Sri Mulyani

The governments scholarships for students awarded through the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) is an ...

Picasso estate sold to Scepter Chairman Rayo Withanage

- The sprawling estate and final home of Pablo Picasso in Mougins, France was sold for an undisclosed sum to Brunei ...

Raja Ampat to organize various festivals to lure tourists

The district administration of Raja Ampat in West Papua Province will organize various festivals to lure tourists to ...

Bantul adds three cultural villages in 2016 to preserve arts

Bantul Administration has added three cultural villages on the 2016 list for preserving local arts and culture. ...

Indonesia believed to be vital contributor to Middle East peace

Indonesia was invited to attend a conference in Paris on January 15, 2017, as the country is believed to be an ...

15 countries to participate in West Java martial arts festival

A total of 15 countries have registered to participate in the martial arts (Pencak Silat) festival to be held here in ...

Indonesia sets no target in SEA Games 2017

Starting January 2017, Indonesia will intensify training of its athletes who will take part in the 2017 Southeast ...

Indonesia information center to be built in Hebron

An Indonesia Information Center will be built in Hebron, Palestines busiest city, to disseminate information on the ...

Poco Poco best dance in ASEAN Night in Qatar

Poco Poco has been chosen as the best dance at ASEAN Night held by ASEAN embassies in Qatar grouped in ASEAN ...

Pencak Silat World Championship begins officially

Pencak Silat traditional martial art fighters from 42 countries attended the opening of the 17th Pencak Silat World ...